1. Crowdfunding Grows Up:
2011 was the year that crowdfunding matured, went pro and on the cusp of mainstream. In prior years, crowdfunding sites were viewed as the only way starving artists and entrepreneurial mistfits could ‘pass the hat’ and get funded – mainly by other altruistic and curious misfits. Crowdfunding sites were derided by traditionalists
merely as being a “charity” mechanism and never a serious means of fundraising for “real” projects and “real” companies.Just like the folks who criticized blogging, online publishing and social media as merely a playground for kids and amateurs – deriding digital media for not having an obvious ROI model (like newspapers) – crowdfundmetapreneurship.net predictable arguments. What these critics really never understood is that, today, people invest in new projects and new ventures for a variety of reasons that may only loosely be related to a direct cash reward. And just like any other industry on the verge of disruption: While the critics carped, the visionaries built. -
Crowdfunding for individual projects of all kinds (technical to creative to social) is one of the most viable and convenient methods of raising money from like minded individuals and kindred spirits. At the end of 2011, the demand for equity Crowdfunding, that is – having hundreds and thousand of people invest small amounts (that add up to large amounts) in promising companies in return for stock – has gained a fever pitch in the US, culminating with the introduction of several bills in the US House and Senate. Up until now, antiquated SEC regulations dating back to 1934 prohibits the concept of equity crowdfunding. In December the US House passed a Crowdfunding bill that is currently under consideration in the US Senate.In some form or another, it appears that equity crowdfunding, along with its first cousins donation crowdfunding and microlending will soon become a permanent part of the entrepreneurial funding toolkit. Before it catches the traditional investor and entrepreneurial communities by surprise, let’s take a look at the crowdfunding landscape and the major issues.
2. The Pioneers
Historically, “micro-lending” as a form of crowdfunding, was used to help entrepreneurs in underdeveloped economies, Kiva being the pioneer and still the most prominent. As other forms of crowdfunding become mainstream for starting companies in the US, don’t rule out microlending, and its evolved descendant ‘peer to peer’ lending, as credible and viable means of funding entrepreneurial startups.
A social history of crowdfundingMany refer to crowdfunding as a “new phenomenon” (or – at worst – the “new bubble”). However, it is not as new as we may think; as a conc…
Kiva – Loans that change livesEmpower people around the world with a $25 loan So many people have made loans on Kiva that everything is funded. While this is great new…
KickstarterKickstarter is a funding platform for artists, designers, filmmakers, musicians, journalists, inventors, explorers…
IndieGoGoIndieGoGo is the world’s largest global funding platform. Founded on the principles of opportunity, transparency, and action, anyone wit…
Another pioneer of note is Spot.us a site specifically devoted to crowdfunding journalism. Many of the lessons and techniques are being used by contemporary crowdfunding sites:
Spot.us – HomeStart a story · Find a story · Earn Credits. Get a personalized email when a pitch comes in that is JUST right for you (No registration…
The Latest Spot.Us Pitches | Spot Us – "Community Funded Reporting"Jun 13, 2011 … Hey Spot.Us crew Check out the latest pitches covering topics like forest logging in Sweden to gang injunctions in the…
Spot.us – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSpot.Us is a non-profit organization designed to bring citizens, journalists, and news publishers together in an online marketplace bas…
3. How Crowdfunding Works, today:
Today, when most use the term crowdfunding, they are referring to ‘donation’ crowdfunding aka ‘rewards based investing’: What is becoming known as “the Kickstarter model”. Kickstarter has refined and perfected the method of allowing people with interesting ideas for projects to present to ‘the crowd’ asking for funding. The essential steps are:A. Project details, often along with ongoing progress blogs, are posted. Project owner/creators specify the minimum amount of money the project requires to be successful.B. The project creators offer potential funders interesting rewards and perks for donating at certain levels, for instance a t-shirt, or producer’s credit on a film, or an invite to the product launch.C. The funding cycle has a time limit – e.g. 60 days – during which time people ‘pledge’ small amounts of funding. Potential donors commit money to the project during the pledge period.D. If the pledges exceed the minimum by the deadline, the money is transferred to the project creators, minus a small administrative fee which goes to the site. If the project fails to attract enough pledges by the deadline, the pledge money gets released, No money changes hands, and the project is not funded. -
Kickstarter: The Science of Crowdfunding | Visual.lyAll you need to know about what Kickstarter is, how crowdfunding works and whether it works.
Crowd funding – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaCrowd funding (sometimes called crowd financing, crowd sourced capital, or street performer protocol) describes the collective cooperat…
Kickstarter isn't just for rock stars anymoreBut last summer, she decided to get a clue and join the latest, buzziest social media bandwagon around, Kickstarter, a site that connects…
Will a Stranger Lend You $25000? – BusinessWeekDec 21, 2007 … How for-profit social lending marketplaces work, and why they might be worth considering to land a business loan.
While the odds of a brand new startup project getting a loan, angel or venture capital are still very very slim (most never attract outside investment), crowdfunding sites have a much better track record – even without offering equity:
“300 000 people donated an average of $100 through Kickstarter to film and video projects in 2011. Very impressive. Who said Crowdfunding does not work? Over 32 million dollars was donated in 2011 to filmmakers http://www.tribecafilm.com/tribecaonline/future-of-film/What-Does-Kickstarters-100-Million-Haul-Tell-Us.html
46 Percent Of Kickstarter Projects Successfully Funded In 2011Online crowdfunding platform Kickstarter raised just shy of $100 million in pledges in 2011, and successfully funded nearly 12000 project…
Funding – Top 10 crowdfunded start-upsConforming to the stereotype that every trend that happens in the US arrives in Australia a couple of years later, crowdfunding has well …
The Many Benefits Of Crowd FundingTraditional forms of new venture financing have all but dried up today. Due to economic conditions, banks are wary of extending credit to…
4. The Crowdfunding Bill
By late 2011, the movement pushing congress to revise SEC regulations to allow for equity crowdfunding culminates in several bills in the US House and Senate. The goal: Allow startup companies to raise money using “the wisdom of the crowds” by accepting small investments from thousands of ‘grassroots’ investors. -
The author of the first crowdfunding bill, Congressman Patrick McHenry, summarizes the bill in a NY Times Op-Ed:
NYT OP-ED: Pennies From Many | Congressman Patrick McHenryAs Congress considers President Obama’s job package, one measure seems to have rare bipartisan support: a proposal to loosen some of the …
Congressman McHenry promotes his crowdfunding bill, trashes competing Senate legislationRepresentative Patrick McHenry (R-NC), the driving force behind the H.R. 2930 crowdfund investing bill currently under consideration in t…
… and a useful summary is posted on the Congressman’s website:
Respected Entrepreneurship Professor and Author, Scott Shane, also pens an articulate case for equity crowdfunding:
Let the Crowd Buy Equity in Private Companies – BusinessWeekMay 3, 2011 … The SEC should change its rules to permit entrepreneurs to use crowdfunding to sell equity. The risk would be no greate…
Crowdfund Investing: 13 Lessons from the Guys Who Brought Crowdfunding to WashingtonThis article was originally published on crowdsourcing.org. A year ago, Jason Best, Zak Cassady-Dorion and I were deep in the trenches ei…
Unfortunately, there are several versions of the bill in congress:
Compare the BillsTrying to understand how the current crowdfunding bills in front of Congress differ among each other? We put the following table togethe…
The Ideal Crowdfunding Bill › Vim Funding ‹ Raise funds to grow your business, from your biggest fans.With multiple crowdfunding bills floating around Capital Hill, Funding Launchpad wants to provide our perspective on the ideal crowdfundi…
What You Need to Know About the New Crowd-Funding BillSun Dec 11, 2011 8:19pm EST The U.S. House overwhelmingly passed its first significant crowd-funding legislation, in the form of H.R. 293…
Others are cautiously optimistic:
Startup ExemptionWhen discussing the current crowdfunding taking place, the question is raised: “why are people doing this?” If only 43% of projects on Ki…
What You Need to Know About the New Crowd-Funding BillSun Dec 11, 2011 8:19pm EST The U.S. House overwhelmingly passed its first significant crowd-funding legislation, in the form of H.R. 293…
IP & crowdfunding: are 1,000 NDAs better than none? | Gust BlogAngels and venture capitalists will not sign non-disclosure (confidentiality) agreements just to listen to an entrepreneur’s funding pres…
Innovation Excellence | The Crowdfunding ConundrumThe House of Representatives recently voted in favor 407-17 of legislation that would allow non-accredited investors to make equity inves…
And of course, there were those who were unbridled in their criticism:
5. Fraud! Scandle! Boiler-room con artists are stealing the life savings of retirees, veterans and widows !
‘Crowd Funding’ – Has Congress Lost Its Mind? :: Investment Fraud Lawyer BlogThe House Financial Services Committee has approved a so-called “crowd funding” bill that would allow entrepreneurs and promoters to soli…
The number one ‘concern’ of the opponents of equity crowdfunding is the potential for scam artists to take money from unsuspecting and unprotected investors. (note that the same people lobbying against the crowdfunding bill, under the guise of protecting ‘the little guy’ are the same ones that seem to have caused the recent wall street financial crisis – depleting the pensions and net worth of the same widows and orphans that now claim they want to protect).While there is not enough space on this page to list the known cases of fraud from the traditional financial community, here’s a list of all the known cases of fraud and other scams via crowdfunding sites:
-, you get the picture.
Why Crowdfunding is Bad for Business (Opinion)Homeowners use peer lending sites such as Prosper.com to pay for a new deck, and artists use Kickstarter to pay for their next project. B…
And the rebuttals:
The Fallacy Against CrowdfundingRecently Entrepreneur.com (the website for Entrepreneur Magazine) posted an opinion piece called: Why Crowdfunding is Bad for Business I …
Investor Protection in Crowdfunding – Why for 5 Years There Has Been No FraudWhen discussing the current crowdfunding taking place, the question is raised: “why are people doing this?” If only 43% of projects on Ki…
Answers to the Arguments Against Making Crowdfund Investing Legal – Part 1There are two sides to every story. The same can be said for those who support and those who are against Crowdfunding. The proponents t…
Meanwhile a few crowdfunding sites in the US thought they might offer equity crowdfunding, hoping that the demand would demonstrate the viability of the model. Unfortunately, the company Profounder (established by former Stanford business students) – was quickly shut down by the state of California.
6. Status in Congress:
As of Jan 2012, the bill(s) seem to be stalled in the Senate: -
“RT @ScottEdWalker: I just uploaded my new Forbes post: Crowdfunding Bill Stuck in the Senate bit.ly/zHXCzy
Crowdfunding Bill Stuck in the SenateIn early November, the US House of Representatives overwhelming passed the Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act, a crowdfunding bill which …
7. Other Info on Crowdfunding:
Infographic/Timeline of the Bills
#1 Site for Crowdsourcing, Crowdfunding, & Open Innovation News | Daily CrowdsourceThe use of crowdsourcing and social networking sites to police street traffic is slowly gaining popularity in India, the latest of a few …
A Guide to Crowdfunding SuccessJul 29, 2009 … Until now, there has not been a clear guide on how to get started, and so here's what you need to know before divi…
Why Start-Ups Need 'Crowd-Funding' – NYTimes.comDec 5, 2011 … If 'crowd-funding' platforms were allowed to solicit investments, it would create a whole new financing mechani…
Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding – The Industry WebsiteIn summary, Crowdfunding can give your business a ton more than just funding. It can give you a massive marketing push and advantage that…
8. Other Crowdfunding Sites of Note, and Comments from Twitter-sphere:
“#crowdfunding poll: 6 months after equity/revenue-share crowdfunding is legal in the US, how many platforms do you thing there will be?
Top 10 Crowdfunding Websites for EntrepreneursWith seed money hard to come by these days, most Entrepreneurs are making full use of new resources available to them: crowdfunding web…
“Starting up a new crowdfunding site to help entrepreneurs raise start-up equity financing through crowdfunding, and…: lnkd.in/bU8RAH
About : Grow VCGrow Venture Community (Grow VC) is the first global, transparent, community- based platform dedicated to entrepreneurs and their needs….
“NY Startups Give Their Take on Crowdfunding for Equity Capital
ow.ly/8ygsl -
“Very Interesting equity #crowdfunding interview w/ Luke Lang, co-founder of @Crowdcube: bit.ly/wWrQda
Pozible | Crowdfunding CreativityPozible is a crowdfunding platform and community for creative projects and ideas . Developed for artists, musicians, filmmakers, journal…
“we’ve just registered for equity based #crowdfunding and will soon go live with @Symbid